Thursday, December 20, 2007

27 Times

Yup, last night I climbed out of my crib 27 times between 8:30 and 10:00pm. Mommy and daddy always responded by simply picking me up and putting me back in my crib with no feedback (positive or negative). The theory is that eventually I will learn that there is nothing to be gained by climbing out of my crib. We will see. They read about it in some book. Nevertheless, 27 crib escapes is pretty impressive.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

No crib can hold the Fish!

Today was big. I finally did it. I had been planning my escape for weeks maybe months. But I was either lacking the perfect plan or the necessary agility to pull it off. Today was different. Everything came together perfectly. My technique was to first throw my right leg over the end of the crib while balancing my body on the front of the crib. (see picture 1). Then I would hold on to the top of the end of the crib and slowly shimmy my way down. The perfect plan...perfectly executed. It all went down today at nap time. When daddy put me down I didn't make a peep. I was quite as a mouse. The beauty of this technique is that I can pull it off without making any noise. After I escaped I slowly walked out to the front room and open the french doors. Daddy was sitting on the couch when I walked in and calmly asked "have you seen the Wiggles dvd?" He looked like he had seen a ghost. I could not contain the giggles and I laughed and laughed. Daddy put me back in the crib, but it was too late, I had mastered the technique. I escaped 6 more times before mommy and daddy took me for a ride in the car and I fell asleep. Daddy caught me in the act one time and took some pictures for the record. My mistake that time was trying to bring my monkey along with me (see picture 2). The final picture is me breaking through the french doors after one of my escapes. Look at that smile I am wearing...true joy at a job well done.

Moving to Barnes & Noble

Well it appears that some big changes are in store. After a lot of long discussion between mommy, daddy and I we have decided to move back to the Midwest; Chicago to be specific. Daddy asked me if I wanted to stay here or move to Chicago. I told him I wanted to move to Barnes & Noble. Barnes & Noble has the best Thomas the Train set up you will ever find. But after some good discussion I told daddy that I thought the move was a good idea. Here is the way I see it: I'll be able to see both grandpa and grandmas a lot more...which is awesome! And I will be close to the 2 coolest cats in Nape-town...kelly and julian. Not to mention all the other friends and family that will be close by. It seems like a no-brainer to me. And I hear rumors that Chicago has a Barnes & Noble. I just hope that one has a Thomas the Train as well.

I am not done sleeping!

As you can see from these pictures I was clearly not ready to get up from my nap. I don't know about you, but I have the hardest time getting my bearings after a long sleep. For instance, the other day when daddy came into get me up for school I told him "go away-I'm not done sleeping." He did not go away and I had to get up. Sometimes I can't make up my mind if I want to get up or not. My body wakes me up, but my brain doesn't want to come along for the ride. Those days are particularly tough. It is funny, because when I was little I was always an early riser (just like grampa muck). But now I love my sleep. I guess I take after mommy after all. It is crazy how things change as you age.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

The Battle of the Banana!

Let me begin by noting that I am NOT in the best mood today. It all started this afternoon when I asked mommy for a banana. She gave me the banana but I promptly threw it on the floor. Mommy picked up the banana and gave it back to me. But I threw it on the floor again and announced "I do not want a banana!" Then mommy took my banana away. And even worse she wouldn't give me another banana. You should know that I have been doing this a lot recently. I decide I must have something (banana, cookie, piece of bread) and then decide I don't want it, and then decide I want it again. It's a pretty complex thought process. So back to the battle of the banana. Mommy told me that because I threw my banana on the ground twice I could not have it any more. Well, I let her have it!! I started yelling and screaming about how much I wanted a banana. It turned into a real tantrum...pretty ugly. I yelled so much about it that soon enough it was nap-time. Well. I was in no mood for a nap. I proceeded to tell mommy in the sternest of voices: "Mommy you will NOT take my banana away!" I must have yelled that into the baby-monitor 200 times to no avail. Eventually I got tired and fell asleep, but I'm still not happy.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Christmas Ornaments…better on the Door Knob

Happy Holidays! What an exciting time of year. Yesterday we got our Christmas tree and who knew a tree could be so much fun. But what I don’t understand is why you put ornaments on the tree? As you can see from the pictures I much prefer to put the ornaments on our front door. When mommy would put an ornament on the tree I would immediately grab it and stick it on the front door. I think they look GREAT on the door! Mommy didn’t always agree. I’ve also been watching a fair amount of Christmas shows. From what I can gather, this Santa Claus guy sure seems like something special. Daddy and I have been singing “Jingle Bells” and “Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer.” I am really good at singing “Jingle Bells.” And you might be wondering what I am doing in that third picture with my eyes closed. Well, mommy told me to say “cheese” when she was taking the picture…and that’s how I say cheese.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Blueberry doctor gets no presents for Christmas

Yes, that is correct. As I told daddy on the way to school this morning, it is my firm belief that the blueberry doctor will get no presents for Christmas. After I said it daddy couldn't stop laughing, but I got the sense that he thought I was joking. Quite the opposite, I am extremely certain that the blueberry doctor will be looking at an empty stocking this year. Why would someone dedicate their entire life to shoving tools up the noses of good little boys (yes, I consider myself a good little boy)? Why does he care if I put a blueberry, M&M, or even some play-doh up my nose. It's not his nose! And those barbaric. You may be wondering why I am just now talking about the blueberry doctor...and to tell you the truth I don't know why. It just popped into my head this morning on the way to school. Other than the silly blueberry doctor everything is great! I have been watching the movie "Cars" the last two nights before bed and it is GREAT! Those cars are super cool. O-yea, I almost managed to sneak my way into the elephant pen at the zoo yesterday. I had sneaked through the first fence before mommy corralled me. You should have seen how agile mommy was flying over that fence. She could be in the Olympics. She wasn't real happy with me, but I wanted a closer look at the elephants. Hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Singing in the Shower!

Hi guys. So I took a poop in the tub yesterday. I told daddy I was going to do it, but he didn't take me seriously. Given my warning, I don't see how it was my fault. After we cleaned up the tub, mom and dad made me take a shower. I used to be really scared of showers, but I've grown to like them. As you can see from my video, I particularly enjoy singing in the shower. My favorite song is "shower, shower, shower, shower, shower, shower shower. shower." It's a good one.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Big Boy Swing...and my mittens

Hello everyone. As you can see from the picture, the weather has cooled a bit. I was not happy about having to wear my hat, but what can you do? Mommy and daddy were persistent and I wasn't in the mood for a fight. But more importantly did you notice that I was swinging on the big boy swing? This was a monumental breakthrough! Yesterday daddy and I went to the park with my good friends Taylor, Wesley, and Alison and I decided that I was finally ready to try the big swing. As many of you know I am a big fan of swings, but up to this point I had always used the baby swing. However, yesterday I was feeling adventurous (maybe it was the two bananas I had for breakfast) and decided to step it up. Daddy made sure I held on to the chains really tight and off I went. By the end my face was red as a cherry, but it was worth it. For those of you who do not swing on a regular basis, I highly recommend it. It is so relaxing. The world makes a lot more sense when you are on a swing.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

They never said anything about M&M's!

Well, it happened again. I know what you are going to say-why would you stick an M&M up your nose after all the trouble you went through with the blueberry? But how was I to know that you are not to put anything up your nose...even M&Ms. I am afraid that mommy and daddy are no longer going to give me any food that could fit up my nose. It was a simple mistake. Mommy had given me a few mini M&Ms and was watching me like a hawk. But when sure turned around I quickly tried to stuff a bunch of them up my nose. When mommy turned around boy was she mad. I mean REALLY mad! I kept telling her "I am sorry mommy." She looked up my nose and thought everything was clean...but I knew better. I had managed to get one M&M mini up there. It went undetected until the next morning when daddy got me out of the crib and noticed that I had chocolate running down my nose. He wasn't happy either. Good news is that unlike blueberries, M&Ms melt in your nose. So my nasal passage is all least for the time being. I have been giving some thought to what a cheerio would feel like up my nose, but I don't want to push mommy and daddy to far. Hope all is well and I love you all!

Grampa and Grandmas are the best!

While the "Blueberry Incident" was a bit of a setback, once I was blueberry free I got to spend a lot of time with both sets of my grandparents. And let me tell you, that was FUN! I love my mommy and daddy, but spending time with grandpa and grandma is sooo much fun. They let me run around the house and always have fun things to play with. I have listed some of the highlights below:

*Eating baked beans with grandpa muck.
*Playing on my john deer tractor with grandpa treps.
*Having grandma muck tuck me in at night-"cover me up grandma."
*Going to the children's museum-so much cool stuff I didn't want to leave.
*Shopping for socks and hats with grandma treps.
*Going to Costco and showing grandma/grandpa how to buckle the shopping cart seat belt.
*Watching both grandpa's spend 15 minutes trying to figure out my car-seat...silly grandpas!

The Blueberry

Greetings everyone. My apologies for not blogging in a long while. As some of you may know it has been a busy time of late. A few weeks back mommy and I took a trip back to Wisconsin to see my grandparents. We did the drive all by ourselves (no daddy). I was a little worried at first because I have a lot of needs on long drives, but mommy did a super-duper job. She even got me a DVD player so that I could watch Mickey Mouse DVDs on the drive. It doesn't get much better than driving across the country while watching Mickey Mouse. As I said, everything went just great! Well...there was ONE little mishap. Normally I wouldn't go into such great detail, but daddy says that it is important that I record all of this so that one day we can look back and laugh. It all started when mommy gave me some blueberries to snack on during our drive. And for some reason I decided to shove one up my nose. I got it way up there-I mean way way up there. I thought everything was fine until mommy turned around and noticed that I had blue snot coming out my nose. Which for some reason she didn't think was as funny as I did. As soon as we got to Brown Deer we were off to the ER to try to get the blueberry out. That was NOT fun. They stuck all sorts of gadgets up my nose trying to get the blueberry out. But nothing worked. I was not happy with those knuckleheads. As it turned out, we had to schedule an appointment with an ENT specialist to get that darn blueberry out. I still don't know why we couldn't just leave it up there.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Boo at the Zoo

Hello everyone, it’s daddy here doing a little guest blogging. Fisher believes it is important that from time to time mommy and daddy get on his blog and share our own thoughts about what is transpiring in the life of the Fish. And yesterday was a big day for all of us. We went to Boo at the Zoo. It is a wonderful event organized by the Little Rock Zoo where kids can dress up in their costumes and walk around the zoo (at night) getting candy and going on rides. Fisher had an absolute ball! As the pictures show, he was dressed up as a chicken--cuteness factor was at an all-time high. We spent much of the evening wandering around the zoo getting candy and enjoying the kiddy rides. And I must say that I no longer enjoy the “spinny” rides as much as I used to. I hope that doesn’t worsen with age. However, the highlight of the evening had to be Fisher’s first ride on the merry-go-round. He was so happy. Each time around he would lean off his horse, eagerly wave at me, and yell “bye-bye daddy” at the top of his lungs. The first few times around I tried to take pictures, but after about the 5th “bye-bye daddy” I had to stop and just enjoy the moment. You catch yourself wishing that you could literally stop time and live in that moment for just a little longer. I find that occurring quite frequently these days; wishing that I could somehow bottle a particular look, phrase, or experience so that I could enjoy it again at some point in the future. And somewhat surprisingly, it’s often the insignificant moments that touch you the most. Fisher telling me he prefers cheese on his tofu or when he tells me "slow down are going to choke yourself" while I am eating. What a wonderful ride this has been.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why not? :)

You guys should have seen me at work today. Not to toot my own horn, but I was brilliant. Let me give you a little background; today I have been a stinker...a real stinker. I've been making lots of messes, touching things I'm not supposed to touch, and I even bonked daddy on the head with the baby monitor (that I actually felt bad about). As is to be expected, such conduct got me a number of "time-outs". But I do not see the benefit of these time-outs and I have decided that I am going to try to break mommy and daddy of the habit. So today when daddy put me in time-out I would stand up and try to walk away. But daddy was ready to play hard ball and kept picking me up and placing me right back on my time-out stool. Each time he would say "when you are in time-out you CANNOT get up from your time-out stool." Well, each time he would say that I would look him straight in the eyes, give him a sly little smile, and ask "why not?" After about 4 "why nots?" I could see him starting to crack. He was trying to hold it back, but the giggles were bubbling up. I pulled out all the stops with my last "why not" by throwing in a bunch of my own giggles. Daddy could not hold back and he started laughing. I promptly jumped off my stool and ran back into the front room to start playing again. Game, set, and match!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Me and my pumpkin

As you can probably tell from this picture, I was not particularly happy about having to take a picture with my pumpkin. That is not to imply that I wasn't very excited about my pumpkin. I was! I got to pick it out all by myself. My pre-school set up this wonderful pumpkin patch and each kid was able to pick out their own pumpkin. Pretty great! But, then they made us sit on this bale of hay and take a picture with all that crazy stuff. All I wanted to do was go play with my pumpkin. Which I got to do as soon as the picture was over. I even got to bring the pumpkin home and have been playing with it constantly. Daddy says it is not a ball, but is sure is fun to throw and role it around.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Notice-my finger is not IN my nose!

Hi everyone! As the above picture demonstrates I clearly do not have my finger in my nose. And to be honest, this is a bit of a change. I have just recently figured out that putting a finger in your nose is pretty hilarious. I can't stop laughing. Mommy and daddy don't find it very funny though. That's why I made sure to keep my finger out of my nose for this picture. A finger in the nose isn't worth a time-out.

I did some magic!

Or at least that is my response every time mommy and daddy ask me what I did at pre-school that day. Mommy and daddy were getting a bit concerned and one day they asked my teacher Ms Vicky whether we did magic at school. It was pretty funny, because Mr Vicky said that every day at school Fisher tells us he is doing magic at home. It's all part of my master plan to get them to buy me a magic hat and wand. I actually learned all this magic from my favorite TV show "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse." Goofy does a great trick where he says "hocus pocos" and then pulls stuff out of his hat. It's really cool. I would sure love to do that one day. I've attached a picture of me in the tub with some bubbles on my head.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

That is a big one!

Who knew they made pumpkins so big?

My trip to the firestation

In addition to eating blueberries and drinking from puddles, I also managed to take a trip to the downtown fire-station last week. Mommy was nice enough to schedule a trip for our whole play group to attend. And for as much as I LOVE firetrucks, I sure was scared of the fire-station. Everything was so big; particularly the firefighters. The one thing I did enjoy at the fire-station was the little fire-tractor they had. You can see from the picture that they let me pretend to drive it. Boy was that fun. I also got to try on a fire-hat and take some pictures with a real firefighter. I can't wait to go back...when I'm just a little bigger.

I'm Back

Hi everyone, sorry for not blogging much lately. I've just gotten over being sick and have also been pretty busy eating blueberries. Yes, that's right, blueberries. Who knew they were so yummy. I have been eating them like crazy. Mommy and daddy get a little worried when I eat them because I tend to shove 4 or 5 in my mouth at a time. They don't seem to understand the flavor explosion that comes with a mouth full of blueberries. One or two just will not cut it. And I'm almost 100 percent sure that the blueberries helped me when I was sick. I'm not sure if mommy and daddy told you, but I was down at the River Market with the girls (the 2 year old laddies I hang with from time to time). I thought the girls would get a kick out of me drinking water out of this big puddle. So I plopped myself in the puddle and starting drinking. Everyone thought it was hilarious...well everyone but mommy. She was not happy. Apparently puddle drinking is neither healthy or socially acceptable. There are so many rules it is hard to keep them all straight. I've attached a picture of me when I wasn't feeling so hot.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Me and my elephant!

Here is my new elephant that mommy and daddy got me for my birthday. I didn't like it at first, but now I think it is a lot of fun.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

A crab wonton a day keeps the doctor away

Or at least that is what my fortune cookie told me last night at dinner. Mommy and daddy took me out for Chinese food and it was super yummy. I got to eat teriyaki noodles with chicken. Mommy even let me eat my chicken with something called chopsticks. I am not sure if I used them correctly, but it sure was fun to stab my chicken with the sticks. And when I was done stabbing the chicken I stuck the chopsticks in each end of my straw. I thought that was really funny. On our drive home from dinner I surprised mommy and daddy by asking them “what is the big idea?” when they slowed down to look at a house down the street. Boy did they think that was funny. They are so easily amused.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Here are some pictures from my birthday party at pre-school. My teachers Ms Vicky and Ms. Toni are the best.

You win lose some!

Hi everybody. Well, I've got to admit that today didn't start so well. I was up a little early (6:00am) and thought I would be a nice guy and allow mommy and daddy some extra sleep. Only problem was that I had pooped. Now for most of you going poop is no big ordeal. But you've got to remember I'm still in diapers and trapped in a crib. What was I to do? Quite the conundrum. My options were to either wake mommy and daddy up OR sit in a dirty diaper. But Alas!-I found the perfect solution-I would change my own diaper. Everything started just fine. But once I had my diaper off I quickly realized that I had not thought the whole process through. Specifically, I was lacking a clean diaper. After a few minutes of contemplating my situation I was forced to admit defeat and make a most solemn plea for help. I reluctantly cried out “mommy and daddy I tried to clean it up.” Which to my amazement prompted a most immediate response. It took less than 5 seconds (yes, I can count to five now) for them to hurry into my room. They were not especially happy with my attempted diaper change, and plopped me right into the tub. This means I will probably have to take two baths today. But even though things started ruff, by 8:30 I was at pre-school and all was right in the world. I really love pre-school. When mommy or daddy drop me off I literally push them out the door and say “by mommy/daddy”. Well that is all for now. I hope you all are having a great day.

Monday, September 17, 2007

My Birthday Party!

On Saturday I had my first official birthday party with kids! It was sooooooo much fun! I had 8 friends who came and brought their mommies and daddies. My party was at Baker Park (one of my favorites), and I got pizza, cake, watermelon and lots of presents. Can't beat that with a stick (or a piece of wood). I also enjoyed playing some basketball with my daddy at the end of the party.

I also received many gifts from my Grama and Grampa Muck. I absolutely LOVE my new books and my soccer ball. I'm still not sure why daddy would rather have me kick the ball than throw it, I'll figure out why someday.

After about an hour or two of walking up to the snake and very cautiously touching it with one finger, I determined that the snake would probably not bite me. I'm pretty comfortable wearing him around my neck now. But I still get scared once in a while.

My Birthday Celebration

Well, for once, mommy is "blogging" for me. I think she's got it figured out, but we'll see....
On Friday I turned 2! My birthday celebration began on Friday morning when I walked out to find a huge elephant in my living room that I could ride on. I think mommy and daddy were a lot more excited about it than I was. In fact, I initially said "don't like it", when I first saw it. Perhaps that was a bit harsh; in fact, now I enjoy rocking on it while watching TV. I've named my new elephant Giangi, or maybe John G, I'm not sure how to spell that yet.
Later that evening, I was able to open all of my gifts from my family. One of the first ones I opened from Grammy and Grampa Treps was a snake. Daddy kinda ruined that one for me by pretending to get bit in the neck by it. See above photo. You'd be scared too, right?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

An education in noodle eating

We had pasta for dinner tonight. It was fantastic!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Top 3 phrases of the week

“I LOVE TO PLAY”!! That’s what I just loudly announced to mommy and daddy. You should have seen them laugh. But I really do! It’s my favorite thing these days. I love to play with everything; my toys, the furniture, my easel, daddy’s cell phone, mommy’s purse, and anything else I can get my hands on. But let me tell you something I DO NOT LIKE—haircuts. They are the worst. I totally understand why Uncle Ben never cuts his hair. I wish I could get away with that. Mommy wanted to give me a little trim so I would look good for my birthday party this Saturday and you should have heard me yell. You would have thought she was trying to put a dress on me for all the fuss I was making. I just don’t like it. O-yea, that is the other phrase I’ve been using a lot the past week-“I don’t like it”. I find it to be useful for all sorts of occasions. For instance, when I’m not happy with dinner or a particular bedtime story isn’t up to snuff I’ll announce “I don’t like it.” My 3rd favorite phrase of the week is “it’s kinda shakey”. It also has lots of uses. I first used it to describe the towers I was building with my blocks. But more recently I’ve realized that lots of things are “kinda shakey.” For instance, just this evening I took a bath and I myself felt kinda shakey. That’s all for now. I attached a picture of me giving mommy a kiss tonight. Are we not the cutest.

Me on the phone!

Just in case you wondered what I look like when you talk to me on the cell phone. I take my phone conversations very seriously.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Basketball and my new tunnel.

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a nice week. It is Saturday morning and I am recovering from a particularly busy week. My first day of school, lots of drawing, and playing basketball with dad at the park. Yes, I have started playing basketball. It seems like a super fun game. We have a court right across the street. Dad and I played a couple of times last week. They have a little basket that when dad holds me up over his head I can slam dunk the ball. It’s a lot of fun, but daddy seemed to get tired after 9 or 10 shots. We also played on the real court. I would pass daddy the ball and he would shot the ball in the hoop. But after a while, instead of passing the ball to daddy I ran away and threw the ball into a big pile of weeds. It was pretty funny. Daddy ran frantically after me yelling something about poison ivy. The only bad part of the episode was that then we had to go all the way back to the house to wash the ball. But daddy was a good daddy and he took me right back to the park to play some more basketball. Well, that is until I grabbed the ball and threw it back in the poison ivy. Then our time at the basketball court was over. I have attached a video of a new toy that my friend Jack brought me. It is a tunnel that I can climb in and out of. Lots of fun. Well, I must be going. Mommy and daddy promised me a ride on the downtown trolley today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of Pre-school

Well today was a big day! My first day of pre-school. I showed up with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for my teacher Mrs. Vicky. She’s a very nice lady and takes good care of me. As soon as I entered the classroom I ran over to the trucks and started playing. However, Mrs. Vicky kindly told me that I had to go wash my hands before I could play with the toys. I had an absolutely great morning at school playing with all the toys and boys & girls. I did have some trouble falling asleep. And once I woke up from my nap I was pretty cranky. But when daddy picked me he took me to Barnes and Noble to play with the trains. I was very happy because I love those trains. But I had an ever bigger melt down when we had to leave. I just didn’t understand why we had to leave. After Barnes and Noble, daddy and I went to the grocery store. Once inside, I made my usual “I want a special cookie” request. Daddy picked me out some yummy sugar cookies. But he said I couldn’t have one until we got back to the car. So I yelled “I want sugar” for the rest of our time in the store. We got some strange looks. All in all, a fun day and I can’t wait for my second day at pre-school.

Monday, September 3, 2007

My Weekend with Jack

Hi everybody. It is Monday afternoon (Labor Day) and my good friend Jack just left to head back to Shreveport La. He and his parents, Phil and Kelly, spent the weekend and boy did we have fun. Jack and I played really well together. We spent most of our time playing with my fire and Tonka trucks. Jack seemed to really enjoy my alphabet train station. I even showed Jack some of my new drawings. We also went to the park something like 4 times in 2 days. By the end of the weekend we were both really tired. On Monday morning we took a break to watch some Mickey Mouse on TV (picture below). All in all I had an absolute great time with Jack. And it seemed like mommy and daddy had fun with Phil and Kelly. On Sunday night we all went out for Chinese food and I had some great chicken teriyaki lo mein. The noodles were great and the chicken was ok. On Monday we had pizza for lunch and I ate a lot. I'll write more latter, but now I need to go take a nap.

Friday, August 31, 2007

The other great thing about this blog is that I can post pictures. You can click on the picture to see a close up. This is me at the zoo last week with grandma and grandpa. I really like the zoo. My favorite animals right now are giraffes and rhinoceros. Also, they let the peacocks roam free around the zoo. I tried to catch these three. I almost got them.

I gotta wear shades!!

Hi everyone. One of the best features of my new blog is that I can post videos of myself. Here is one where I am trying on sunglasses. I think they look good. What do you think?

No nap today!

Well, I thought that would be all for today, but it turns out I’ve had some extra time. Largely because I have decided that I did not need my afternoon nap. I know what you’re thinking…an afternoon nap is very important to a growing boy. But I just don’t see the point. I have so much more fun without the nap. Yes, the late afternoon and early evenings are tough…real tough. I am a lot crankier and way less patient with mommy and daddy. But by not taking a nap this afternoon I got an extra trip to the park across the street. I was able to climb the slide and yell in the yellow tube. It was a lot of fun. I haven’t decided about tomorrow yet; maybe I’ll feel like a nap, maybe I won’t. I’ll let you know either way.

Welcome to the Musings of a Fish

Hello everybody and welcome to my blog-“The Musings of a Fish.” Sorry it took so long for me to get up and running. It turns out that mommy and daddy are not quite as tech savvy as one would think. So I have decided to take the lead on my own and have created my own blog. For those of you who do not know, a blog is basically a personal diary or political soapbox in which I post whatever happens to be of concern to me at a particular moment. For instance, when I woke up this morning I was really in the mood for a banana, but once I had said banana I decided that I would actually prefer an apple. But daddy told me I had to wait for breakfast to get an apple and should simply continue eating my banana. Well, I ate a few more bites then hid that banana good. That will show them. And yesterday morning I felt that my pajamas were too constricting. So I decided to take them off before mommy and daddy came to get me out of my crib. They foolishly thought they had broken me of that habit. I love them a lot, but sometimes they can be so silly. O-yea, I also had some really good jumps yesterday. That is all for today. One more thing, each new post will appear at the top of the page. Older posts will appear at the bottom.