Saturday, January 17, 2009

Another day on the sledding hill!

Daddy and I went sledding again today. It has been so cold that I've had to stay inside the last few days. I've built up a lot of extra energy. Sledding is the perfect outlet for a little 3 year old boy. Here are a couple of videos. This first one is daddy and me going down the hill together. As you can tell, we were really moving...lots of fun bumps.

This next video is me going down the hil by myself. I was going as fast as a rocket. Demonstrated by the fact that daddy could not keep up. What fun.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Fun with friends!

Here is a picture of me with Felix and Pierre.
Their sleds match. Mine is orange.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!!!

Wow! We are not in Little Rock anymore! The snow keeps coming and I am loving every bit of it. After a big snowstorm rolled through a couple of days ago, daddy and I decided to go out sledding. We went to a snow hill behind Felix and Pierre's house. Now, I had been sledding a few times before, but this was a whole new level of fun and excitement. The first two times I made daddy ride in the sled with me. However after that, I was on my own! The sled works great and I go so fast. Daddy would walk with me to the top of the hill and then give me a big push. I would take off like a rocket. There were a few times when I almost ran into other kids on the hill. They would jump out of the way and I would laugh. I was not scared at all. Felix and Pierre also seemed to like sledding (Pierre more than Felix), but they were not quite ready for the big hill. Once they get a little bigger I'm going to teach them how to go super fast.