Saturday, September 8, 2007

Basketball and my new tunnel.

Hello everyone. I hope you all had a nice week. It is Saturday morning and I am recovering from a particularly busy week. My first day of school, lots of drawing, and playing basketball with dad at the park. Yes, I have started playing basketball. It seems like a super fun game. We have a court right across the street. Dad and I played a couple of times last week. They have a little basket that when dad holds me up over his head I can slam dunk the ball. It’s a lot of fun, but daddy seemed to get tired after 9 or 10 shots. We also played on the real court. I would pass daddy the ball and he would shot the ball in the hoop. But after a while, instead of passing the ball to daddy I ran away and threw the ball into a big pile of weeds. It was pretty funny. Daddy ran frantically after me yelling something about poison ivy. The only bad part of the episode was that then we had to go all the way back to the house to wash the ball. But daddy was a good daddy and he took me right back to the park to play some more basketball. Well, that is until I grabbed the ball and threw it back in the poison ivy. Then our time at the basketball court was over. I have attached a video of a new toy that my friend Jack brought me. It is a tunnel that I can climb in and out of. Lots of fun. Well, I must be going. Mommy and daddy promised me a ride on the downtown trolley today.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

First Day of Pre-school

Well today was a big day! My first day of pre-school. I showed up with a beautiful bouquet of flowers for my teacher Mrs. Vicky. She’s a very nice lady and takes good care of me. As soon as I entered the classroom I ran over to the trucks and started playing. However, Mrs. Vicky kindly told me that I had to go wash my hands before I could play with the toys. I had an absolutely great morning at school playing with all the toys and boys & girls. I did have some trouble falling asleep. And once I woke up from my nap I was pretty cranky. But when daddy picked me he took me to Barnes and Noble to play with the trains. I was very happy because I love those trains. But I had an ever bigger melt down when we had to leave. I just didn’t understand why we had to leave. After Barnes and Noble, daddy and I went to the grocery store. Once inside, I made my usual “I want a special cookie” request. Daddy picked me out some yummy sugar cookies. But he said I couldn’t have one until we got back to the car. So I yelled “I want sugar” for the rest of our time in the store. We got some strange looks. All in all, a fun day and I can’t wait for my second day at pre-school.

Monday, September 3, 2007

My Weekend with Jack

Hi everybody. It is Monday afternoon (Labor Day) and my good friend Jack just left to head back to Shreveport La. He and his parents, Phil and Kelly, spent the weekend and boy did we have fun. Jack and I played really well together. We spent most of our time playing with my fire and Tonka trucks. Jack seemed to really enjoy my alphabet train station. I even showed Jack some of my new drawings. We also went to the park something like 4 times in 2 days. By the end of the weekend we were both really tired. On Monday morning we took a break to watch some Mickey Mouse on TV (picture below). All in all I had an absolute great time with Jack. And it seemed like mommy and daddy had fun with Phil and Kelly. On Sunday night we all went out for Chinese food and I had some great chicken teriyaki lo mein. The noodles were great and the chicken was ok. On Monday we had pizza for lunch and I ate a lot. I'll write more latter, but now I need to go take a nap.