Saturday, May 3, 2008

Today was a 4 banana day!

Yup, I have eaten 4 bananas today. That's a personal best for me. I could probably eat another 2 or 3, but there are no more bananas in the house. Mommy and daddy will have to go shopping.

Phone Time With Grandma

Here I am having a birthday conversation with Grandma on the phone. We are talking about trucks...of course.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is May 2 and it is my Grandma's birthday. I am very excited that it is her birthday, but am also sad that I cannot be with her to celebrate. I am an excellent present opener helper. So instead I have put together a little birthday song for her. Happy Birthday Grandma! I will see you soon.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

In addition to being excellent with the measuring tape, I can also do wonders with a shovel. Here I am doing some work on our flower bed in the back yard.

More Measuring

Mommy and daddy have been doing a lot of work on the house to make it look nice so that someone will buy it and we can move to Chicago. I talk a lot about our move to Chicago. Mostly because I know it will get me closer to grandpa and grandma. Both sets. Yes, I now know that I have 2 grandpas and 2 grandmas. I tell mommy and daddy that a lot these days. It's a pretty big deal. But back to my main point, because of all the work on the house, I get to play with the tape measure more than usual. I think mommy and daddy wanted these pictures up because he thinks I look cute in this outfit.

This morning's musings over coffee & juice.

Fisher: Daddy, can I say something?
Daddy: Sure.
Fisher: I want to say…God!
Daddy: That’s great Fisher.
Fisher: Daddy, God gave you your eyebrows.
Daddy: That’s right. It sure was nice of him.
Fisher: Daddy, can I say something?
Daddy: Sure buddy.
Fisher: I want to say speedy little race cars!