We took a quick trip to Galveston Texas last week. It was my first time at the ocean and I can't wait to get back. Here I am dipping my toes in the water and preparing to chase down a few seagulls.
Here Mommy and I are getting ready to jump over a big wave.
Mommy and her good friend Kelly relaxing at the beach. What a bunch of hotties!!
Jack and I are thinking out how to build the world's best sandcastle.
Daddy and I had a lot of fun at the beach.
Here I am with my good friend Jack and the two daddies. Sometimes I think the daddies are as silly as we are.
This looked like a great spot to dig.
I really enjoyed digging and building castles at the beach.
Jack is my good buddy. We shared a lot of hugs. They started out innocent enough, but usually ended with us flinging each other around and laughing hysterically.
Aren't we a cute family!