Friday, July 24, 2009

Millennium Park

Today we all headed to Millennium park in downtown Chicago. It was a great day. To get there we had to walk over this amazing bridge. It was curvy and went right over the highway.

Our first stop was at the Great Lawn. People can sit on the grass, relax, and listen to live music. Kitson seemed to really enjoy this. How cute is she in her hat?!

Mommy, Kitson, and I enjoyed the music so much that we started dancing.

The Bean

This is the bean at Millennium Park. I guess they call it the bean because it looks like a big shinny bean. It's the shiniest bean I've ever seen. You could even see yourself in the reflection.
How about this for some awesome art. This is a picture from underneath the bean. If you look close enough, you can see our reflection in this craziness.

The Faces at Millennium Park

Millennium Park is an amazing place. In one area they have two 50 foot faces looking at each other. The faces smile, blink, and even shoot water. There were hundreds of kids running around in the water. What a cool park!

That was a lot of fun! I am sooo wet.
Here are a couple of videos of the experience.

Buckingham Fountain

This is Buckingham Fountain in downtown Chicago. It is without question the biggest fountain I have ever seen. I asked daddy whether we could go swimming in the fountain...he said no.

A trip to Superdawg!

Today was a big day! Our tour of famous Chicago hot dog joints continued with the world famous Superdawg. We just happened to drive by and I insisted that we eat here. Just look at those cool hot dogs on the roof. Daddy and I had a superdawg and mommy had a superburger. Of course, I did not put a drop of ketchup on my hot dog. In Chicago, ketchup on a hot dog is a major problem. Kitson, did not have a hot dog. Maybe next time.

Monday, July 20, 2009

An afternoon feeding the ducks

Today we took a trip out to Geneva to walk in the park and feed the ducks. We found a beautiful spot by the river and boy did the ducks and geese come calling.