Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mommy & Daddy's trip to San Fran!

I know the primary reason you tune into this blog is hear about me (the Fish), but every once in a while it is important that I keep you abreast of what's going on with the rest of the family. And recently mommy and daddy took a trip out to San Francisco. Here are some pictures from the trip. Warning!!!-I am not in any of these pictures!!! Here is a picture of mommy and daddy at the Golden Gate Bridge.
Here is a close up of them actually on the bridge. It is hard to tell from the picture, but daddy (who has a mild fear of heights) is a little uneasy about the whole experience.
A picture from the bridge looking back at San Francisco. Mommy was especially happy here because she had just spent the morning buying shoes...expensive shoes according to daddy.

Here mommy and daddy are at McCovey Cove directly behind the San Francisco Giants baseball stadium. This is the spot where all the homes runs are hit. Daddy was pretty excited about this.
Here is daddy ridding the trolly in San Francisco. He insisted on hanging off the side the whole time. I don't think mommy would have let me do that.

I am a good worker man!

In getting our house ready to sell, mommy and daddy have been working on a number of little projects around the house. I recently decided to help with the cause. I'm a very good at measuring, hammering, and decorating the walls with crayon.

Root Beer Floats!

When my grandpa Treps was visiting he thought it was very important that I try a root beer float. I now know why...they are awesome! Here are some pictures of the experience.

Different Places I Rest

I don't know about you, but I find that it is important to take a good rest now and again. Here are some fun places I have rested recently. Here I am taking a brief break at the zoo. There is so much to see and so many animals to talk to that a little guy like me can get tired very quickly.
Here I am after a long run with daddy. He did most of the running, but boy was I worn out afterwards. All that fresh air will wear a guy out.
Well, I don't ALWAYS sleep during nap time. Here I am sitting back and enjoying a good book on big trucks during my nap. I find that crossing my legs while reading adds a certain sophistication to the experience.