Friday, August 14, 2009

A walk through the airport

We took an airplane to see our friends in Galveston. Now that I am a big boy, I bring my own bag on the plane. Airports are a lot of fun. Both Kitson and I did well on the plane. She only cried a little...I didn't cry at all. But I did talk a lot.

Just checking to see if our plane is still on schedule.

Trip to Galveston

This past week, I went to visit my friend Jack in Galveston, Texas. We had an absolutely GREAT time together. We had tons of fun and managed to cause all sorts of trouble. Here we are showing off our dirty hands from the mud soup we were making.

Clean up time!

This is Ella. She is Jack's little sister. She is super cute and I bet her and Kitson will be best of friends in the coming years. Ella's a bit of a trouble maker herself...I like that in her.
Here is a picture of Kitson in daddy's lap overlooking the pretty canals. Jack and I took a boat ride in the canal. I liked when the boat went fast.

Bath in a pot

Hey!! Why I am in this pot? Am I dinner? What's that pineapple doing over there? I do not like where this is going!
Okay. It turns out that I am not dinner, but just getting a well needed bath. Mommy is a smart cookie. She figured out that I would fit just perfectly in this little pot.

I spent a lot of time trying to eat the bubbles. Boy did they taste good.