Sunday, October 28, 2007

Why not? :)

You guys should have seen me at work today. Not to toot my own horn, but I was brilliant. Let me give you a little background; today I have been a stinker...a real stinker. I've been making lots of messes, touching things I'm not supposed to touch, and I even bonked daddy on the head with the baby monitor (that I actually felt bad about). As is to be expected, such conduct got me a number of "time-outs". But I do not see the benefit of these time-outs and I have decided that I am going to try to break mommy and daddy of the habit. So today when daddy put me in time-out I would stand up and try to walk away. But daddy was ready to play hard ball and kept picking me up and placing me right back on my time-out stool. Each time he would say "when you are in time-out you CANNOT get up from your time-out stool." Well, each time he would say that I would look him straight in the eyes, give him a sly little smile, and ask "why not?" After about 4 "why nots?" I could see him starting to crack. He was trying to hold it back, but the giggles were bubbling up. I pulled out all the stops with my last "why not" by throwing in a bunch of my own giggles. Daddy could not hold back and he started laughing. I promptly jumped off my stool and ran back into the front room to start playing again. Game, set, and match!

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