Tuesday, October 2, 2007

I'm Back

Hi everyone, sorry for not blogging much lately. I've just gotten over being sick and have also been pretty busy eating blueberries. Yes, that's right, blueberries. Who knew they were so yummy. I have been eating them like crazy. Mommy and daddy get a little worried when I eat them because I tend to shove 4 or 5 in my mouth at a time. They don't seem to understand the flavor explosion that comes with a mouth full of blueberries. One or two just will not cut it. And I'm almost 100 percent sure that the blueberries helped me when I was sick. I'm not sure if mommy and daddy told you, but I was down at the River Market with the girls (the 2 year old laddies I hang with from time to time). I thought the girls would get a kick out of me drinking water out of this big puddle. So I plopped myself in the puddle and starting drinking. Everyone thought it was hilarious...well everyone but mommy. She was not happy. Apparently puddle drinking is neither healthy or socially acceptable. There are so many rules it is hard to keep them all straight. I've attached a picture of me when I wasn't feeling so hot.

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