Friday, July 3, 2009

Sword fighting with Jake

Jake and I had an epic sword fight today. He's got me in both height and weight, but I am young and tenacious.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

The best way to build a tower

Some might say that it is dangerous to build a tower in your underwear. I say those people have no sense of adventure.

Kitson: "So Grandpa, you're telling me that I've got to move the golf ball back in my stance when I am hitting off uneven ground. What about hitting a fairway wood out of the ruff?"

A trip to see Grandma and Grandpa

Last weekend we took a trip up to Wisconsin to see our grandpa and grandmas. Lots and lots of fun. Grandma and I got to make ice cream cone cupcakes. Yes, I actually helped make them. It was a bit messy, but well worth it. That's not something that happens to a guy every day.
Grandpa was being silly and trying to tickle me.

The Fish and Kit!

Contest for most spikey hair!

Today, daddy and I engaged in a who has the most spikey hair contest.
It was a close call, but I think daddy wins.

Gone Fishing

I caught my first fish last weekend. Actually I caught 6 of them. Six beautiful trout up at the trout farm. I had the best time digging in the dirt bucket for worms. I found the best worms and the fish absolutely loved them.
Daddy was in charge of grabbing the fish out of the water. He was pretty good, except for one time the fish slipped and he almost hit grandpa in the head with it.
I'm pulling in a big one here. I believe my Green Bay Packer hat gave me good luck.
What a beautiful fish.

Some funny faces for you!

Hi there. I have officially discovered my tongue and love making funny faces. Here are some of my best!

Hanging with Rachel

Summer time is the best. I get to hang out with my pall Rachel all the time. Here we are enjoying a little snack in our cool hats and tie dye shirts. Nothing better than a snack with a friend.
Our mommies thought we were so darn cute they forced us to take a million pictures. By this point we were both tired of smiling.