Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Blueberry

Greetings everyone. My apologies for not blogging in a long while. As some of you may know it has been a busy time of late. A few weeks back mommy and I took a trip back to Wisconsin to see my grandparents. We did the drive all by ourselves (no daddy). I was a little worried at first because I have a lot of needs on long drives, but mommy did a super-duper job. She even got me a DVD player so that I could watch Mickey Mouse DVDs on the drive. It doesn't get much better than driving across the country while watching Mickey Mouse. As I said, everything went just great! Well...there was ONE little mishap. Normally I wouldn't go into such great detail, but daddy says that it is important that I record all of this so that one day we can look back and laugh. It all started when mommy gave me some blueberries to snack on during our drive. And for some reason I decided to shove one up my nose. I got it way up there-I mean way way up there. I thought everything was fine until mommy turned around and noticed that I had blue snot coming out my nose. Which for some reason she didn't think was as funny as I did. As soon as we got to Brown Deer we were off to the ER to try to get the blueberry out. That was NOT fun. They stuck all sorts of gadgets up my nose trying to get the blueberry out. But nothing worked. I was not happy with those knuckleheads. As it turned out, we had to schedule an appointment with an ENT specialist to get that darn blueberry out. I still don't know why we couldn't just leave it up there.

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