Saturday, March 7, 2009

Daddy Day at School

Today was daddy day at school. All the kids dressed up in their favorite teams colors. Of course, daddy and I came dressed in our Packer green and gold. We did 8 different activities. One of the activities was called pin the tail on the daddy. I think I did a pretty good job.

At the end of the event all of the kids came together to sing a couple of songs for our dads.

Here is a video of us singing.

It is finally starting to look like winter is going to break. But in case we have another cold spurt, I've come up with an alternative way to get exercise. I have been running laps from the kitchen, through the dinning room, and living room. I did 42 laps the other day. Daddy is my counter.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Life is Good!

My friend Cecelia

What a fun weekend! My friend Cecelia came to see me. We had a great time playing together. We spent most of our time running between the basement, the family room, and my bedroom. 
The best part of Cecelia's visit was that we got to have a sleep-over. Being a gentleman, I offered Cecelia my bed and I camped out on the floor. This is a video that sneaky daddy took when Cecelia and I were supposed to be taking a nap. Instead of napping, we decided to read books and whisper to each other. 


Good movie, but a little scary!

The other day I watched the movie "A Land Before Time." It was a great movie about dinosaurs. There were, however, a few scary parts that I chose to watch behind my blue chair.

Uncle Ben is going to love my tattoo

One of the kids in my class gave me a tattoo for Valentines Day. I was really proud of it. I can't wait for Uncle Ben to see it. I might have to be careful and not take any baths for a while so it doesn't wash off.