Saturday, February 13, 2010

Time with Grandpa and Grandma

Last weekend mommy, daddy, Fisher, and I went up to see all four of my grandparents for the weekend. We had such a great time with them. It's pretty clear that there is nobody on the whole earth (other than mommy and daddy) who love us as much as they do. They spend every single waking moment playing with Fisher and I. We are lucky to have them!

Air Hockey

I played my first game of air hockey last weekend. My goodness is that a fun game. I find that the key is keeping your focus on the puck and not laughing too hard.

Friday, February 12, 2010

A trip to the bowling alley.

On Super Bowl Sunday we all went bowling before the big game. I was able to hold and throw the ball all by myself. My technique was to try to get the ball moving straight down at the highest possible velocity. It would take a while for the ball to get to the pins, but boy did it make loud noise when the ball hit the lane.

Daddy and Kitson did some bowling too. She only made it a few frames on daddy's back. We decided that it was a little too shaky.
Look at Grandpa's excellent form. He could be a professional. yummy!

Up until last week I was doing some excellent eating. I would eat anything mommy gave me. Now, I'm on an all yogurt diet. It's all I want to eat. Anything else gets a stern look and a tightly closed mouth. Only bad thing about yogurt is that it can get a little messy.

Furniture jumping

I was a little bored the other day and decided to do a little furniture jumping. All went well for a while, then we had a little mishap. I bonked my ear pretty good. Mommy got fixed up quick.
How do I look in mommy's glasses?

Video Game

I've got this cool video game that allows me to run, jump, and answer questions.

Fisher's deep thought of the Day:

I wouldn't go play basketball without a basketball. I wouldn't go to the library without a library book. And I won't go eat lunch without my spaceship!