Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Party Time!
A friend of mine had her birthday on Saturday at this great party place. We played all sorts of games and had a blast. My favorite part was jumping on this tube.
Monday, August 4, 2008
Remote Control Car!
As most of you know, I have been working my way through potty training. I've pretty much got the potty part down, but...how do I say this...well, the non-peeing side of the equation has been more of a challenge. I get the sense that it has also been difficult for mommy and daddy. Yet, every cloud has its silver lining and yesterday's lining brought me a remote control car. Mommy and daddy offered me one if I managed to poop in the toilet. Piece of cake! Done, done and done! Here is a video of me with my new car. For the record, I did not manage to live up to yesterday's success today.