Friday, February 4, 2011

Nothing better than a good old screaming match

Fisher and I were having the best time this evening. I was chasing him all around the house trying to hug him.
Fisher is such a good sport and very careful to make sure that I don't get hurt.
Fisher and I also had a screaming contest. I would recommend you turning down the volume.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

Now that is a lot of snow! We were hit with a blizzard last night that dropped a couple of feet of snow on us. I have never seen so much snow. This is what daddy and I saw as we tried to get out of the garage today .
This is a video of me trying to find a way out of the garage into that mountain of snow.
I made it!!!
It took us a couple hours of hard shoveling, but we managed to dig our way out. Everyone pitched in. Everyone was pretty tired when it was all done. Well, except for me. I found my friend Jake and we played "king of the mountain."

Kitson liked the walkway up to the front door. There was so much snow, it felt like a tunnel.
Kitson is the king of the mountain.
This is what our street looks like. I told daddy that they were going to need a super plow to find our street again. They say it may take two days before we can get out.
Now I am tired. Time to go eat some lunch and watch Star Wars.
I think Kitson was also getting tired.
That snow in the street is almost taller than Kitson.
Now, Daddy is king of the mountain.