Thursday, January 1, 2009

Payoffs for Pooping

I'm completely potty trained at this point, but here is a video from a few months ago when mommy and daddy were using the "incentive system" to get me to poop in the toilet. It was a fun ride while it lasted. Now I get nothing for pooping or going potty in the toilet.

My Birthday Pictures

I turned 3 years old this past September. I knows it's a little late, but here are a few pictures from my party back in Little Rock. I told mommy it was "the best birthday party I've ever had. I got a Thomas the Train cake! Can you believe that! A Thomas the Train cake!!!

Sucker Time

Cuddle Shots

I know everyone likes the see the cuddle pictures. So here is one of me and mommy at the new house. She's so cute. You can't see, but my little sister is right there in mommy's belly.

Christmas in our new house!

I was really excited about Christmas this year. I'm getting pretty old, so it makes sense that I understand it much better. Once we moved into our new house daddy went out and got us a beautiful Christmas tree. I did most of the decorating of the tree. You've got to be careful to put ornaments all over the tree, otherwise the empty parts of the tree will get lonely. Daddy had to lift me up to put the ornaments way up on the top of the tree.