Thursday, March 26, 2009

Me and Mommy! :)

Me and Mommy make a good team. 

Turtle Time!

Just down from our condo is a park with turtles. How cool is that!?
This turtle looked nice. 
I really wanted to touch his shell. 
You've got to be careful and go slowly. 
Got it! 

Trolley Ride

We got to ride a trolley on the island. It was so much fun.

More Beach Pictures

I love the beach. 

The beach can make a guy really thirsty. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Super-Hero Ice Cream!

After dinner, we all went out for an ice cream. They had a flavor called Super-Hero. Can you believe that!? After hearing that, there was no way I could pass on it. For the record, it was AMAZING!!!

If a drip of ice cream falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
Life is really good!

Here is a video of the experience.

Our Trip to Florida!

Playing in the ocean

Daddy and I had fun in the water.

We played a great game of splashing each other.

Playing in the sand!

The beach is great!
Building a sand castle!
Building a road so that my ice-cream truck can drive on it.
Here daddy is tryin to burry me in the sand.
Daddy is a good helper.

Getting ready for the beach

Here I am all ready to go to the beach. Who knew it took so long to get all suntan lotioned up. I really like my hat and sunglasses.

We've got a great view from our condo! We can see the ocean!

Airplane Ride!

While this technically wasn't my first ride on an airplane, I was too little to remember much of those earlier flights. However, I will remember every last bit of this flight! I absolutely LOVED it. The take off was super-fast and the landing was even better. Mommy thought I would take a nap on the chance! Here I am waiting for our plane at the airport. I made so many friends at the airport. This guy doesn't know it, but in a few seconds I am going to tap him on the shoulder and say "Hi!"

Mommy and daddy had me sit next to the window so that I could see all of the action.
Here is a video of me describing my first flight.