Sunday, December 27, 2009

Marbles anyone?

My Uncle Ben got me this great gift for Christmas. I build a huge structure so that marbles can roll from top to bottom. It takes some careful engineering. Lots and lots of fun.

Remote Control Helicopter

This Christmas Santa got me a remote control helicopter. It is amazing. When we first got it out of the box mommy showed me how to work it by flying it into daddy's face. Then it was my turn!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

A trip to see Marge.

While back in Wisconsin, we all went to see Marge up in Appleton. I have visited with Marge a couple of times, but this was Kitson's first visit. We didn't tell Marge we were coming and she was really surprised and excited. We brought some Christmas presents for her, and I being the gentleman I am, offered to help her open the gifts.

Marge and Kitson hit it off right away. Although, Marge likes to call he Joe or Josephine. I think Kitson got a kick out of being called by her middle name.

After visiting in Marge's room for a while, we all went down to dinner. They made something called veal-bird. Mommy asked whether it was veal or a bird. The lady didn't know, so I decided to focus on my noodles and give the veal-bird to daddy.
Can you believe that Marge is 99 and Kitson is only 8 months old!
Marge has the coolest wheel chair. Grandpa took me for a ride. Once we got out in the hall we were speeding all over the place. Luckily nobody got hurt, although there were a few close calls.

My first Christmas

This year was my first Christmas. What a special time. We went to see both of my grandparents as well as Marge up in Appleton. Here are some of my favorite moments.

Here Grandpa John and I are reading a story. It's about a baby. That's why I like it so much.
Here Grandma and I working on my two bottom teeth. It feels so good to rub those little nubbers.
Grandpa Jim is an excellent walker. He walked me around the entire house.
Mommy, I got my first doll! This is AMAZING! My first doll!!!
How do you like my new pajamas?
I got my eye color from my Grandpa Jim. Aren't we cute! He's got a few more teeth than me, but don't worry I'm catching up.

Let me tell you how this Santa guy works.

I have been spending a good deal of time this holiday season learning everything I can about Santa Claus. This video should give you the basics.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Well, that was an interesting taste

Today mommy gave me some quinoa. It was different to say the least. I was hungry so I ate it, but I much prefer some bananas or squash.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Studying with daddy.

This has become my favorite spot to take a nap. I think daddy likes it too.

An afternoon at the candy shop.

While in Geneva, mommy and I had the great idea of stopping in at the local candy shop. In the picture below I am enjoying an amazing chocolate covered pretzel.
I just cannot believe how good this tastes!
The best part of the candy shop, other than the candy, was that you could watch them make the yummy treats they sold. I probably spent 25 minutes watching them work.
At this point I was getting a little frustrated that I was on the wrong side of this window. Boy do I wish I could help. It's just not fair.

Feeding the Ducks

We took another trip out to Geneva to feed the ducks. This trip was a lot colder than our previous visit. The ducks didn't seem bothered by the cold.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Playing Perfection

For my birthday, my friend Jackie got me the game Perfection. Today daddy and I decided to play it. Wow! It is one fun game. You have to fit all the pieces into their right spot before the clock runs out and throws the pieces everywhere. It's a lot of pressure.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Guess what? Today I did my first real crawling. Yes indeed! What a liberating experience. Today I have been doing the army crawl all over the house. I see something I am interested and I head that direction. For instance, earlier today I wanted a better look at the vacuum cleaner. Well, I pulled up my sleeves and off I went. Daddy intercepted me before I could get there, but that is beside the point. Mommy and daddy were a little concerned because I have not been eating much today. But can you blame me! Who in their right mind would spend time eating when there are so many things to explore?

Sunday, November 29, 2009

My new chair

Just like Fisher, I now have my own chair. Its very snugly and more importantly super cute.

All smiles all the time.

Add ImageI must admit, I am a happy baby! Lots of laughing and giggling. Here daddy and I are goofing around. He always can make me laugh.

Christmas presents for the family

Yesterday, daddy asked me what Christmas gifts I wanted to get for everyone in the family. I did some quick thinking and came up with the following list.

Grandma Sheri: Grandma Sheri loves to cook in the kitchen. Therefore, I thinks she would like a coffee mug with purple cats on it.

Grandpa Jim: I think he would like me to sing him a song. I'm thinking "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."

Grandpa John: Grandpa John has lots of tools, but I think he could use a red toolbox with pictures of tools on it.

Grandma Kay: Grandma Kay loves to paint. I could paint her a picture of grapes or globs. I told daddy that I am really good at painting globs.

Uncle Ben: This was my favorite one. I think Uncle Ben would like a piece of my Halloween candy. Daddy said that was a pretty small present, but I told him it would be a BIG piece of candy (maybe sweet tarts).

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Thanksgiving Afternoon Playtime

We hope everyone had a happy Thanksgiving. We sure did. Mommy made a huge feast for the four of us. Fisher really enjoyed the stuffing and I got into the spirit by eating some pureed sweet potatoes. After our big dinner we went downstairs and played with Fisher's computer.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

A nap with daddy!

As you may or may not know, I am a delicate little girl. I startle easily and I do not like the idea of being alone. In fact, I get very frightened when I am not snuggled closely when I need to fall asleep. Tonight I just could not fall asleep until daddy snuggled me on the couch. Turns out daddy likes to snuggle too.

My favorite foods.

Greetings everyone. I have started to eat all sorts of food now. My favorite is squash. I like to mix it with just a little bit of rice or oatmeal. Yummy. I also have been eating sweat potatoes, bananas, and pears. My only request, is that it all has to be fresh. For instance, We spent the weekend in Chicago and mommy thought she could give me some canned baby food. You should have seen my face after the first bite. YUCK! You would have thought someone put a whole lemon in my mouth.

Would you care to dance?

Have you ever danced in your pajamas? If not, I highly recommend that you try. This is one of daddy's favorite songs. My best move is repeated spins.

A day in the leaves!

Mommy and I have become experts at raking leaves. The best part of the process is making a big pile and jumping in! You wouldn't believe all the strange spots on my both that I found leaves later that night during bath time.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Monday, November 9, 2009

Halloween Show

Tis the season for a scary Halloween show and my preschool class was up to the task. Everyone in my class dressed up in their favorite costume. Although the teachers wouldn't allow us to wear anything that was too "scary." That's why I went as Dorry from the movie "Finding Nemo." Here is our opening song.

This next performance was a really tough one. I needed to prepare myself for a big final jump! After the jump I decided to run off stage and give my mommy a hug. I think she really like that.
I decided to give mommy a hug after this song too. Actually, I gave her hugs after about 4 songs.

Expert Apple Picking

On Sunday, I went apple picking with grandma and grandpa John and Kay. I called on all the skills I had acquired in my search for the perfect pumpkin to find some excellent apples. As some of you may know, I am quite the apple connoisseur. For instance, this apple is absolutely perfect. We came home with a huge bag of apples that mommy then turned into the best apple pie ever. You should have seen how much of it daddy ate.
Grandpa gave me a lift for a few of the apples I could not reach. Grandma gave me lots of hugs and kisses to keep me going.

In search of the perfect pumpkin.

Sorry for falling behind in my blogging. It's been such a busy season. I have been doing all sorts of fun stuff this fall. A couple of weeks back I went up to visit both of my grandparents. On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Jim & Shari took me to the pumpkin farm. I had to check every single pumpkin to find the best. No average pumpkin would suffice. But after a lot of hard work, I found two of the best pumpkins a guy could ever want. Grandma was a lot of help, she was an expert at checking the stems.
You wouldn't believe how tired a little guy can get trying to pick out the perfect pumpkin!
They also had a corn maze at the pumpkin farm. It was luck I was there because I think grandma would have gotten really lost without me.
When we got back to the house, grandma and I carved the two pumpkins. I was in charge of design. Two pretty scary pumpkins if I do say so myself.

Grandpa had a great idea of using a wagon to haul our pumpkins (and me) around. For the most part things went smoothly.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

A day at the Pirate show!

Mommy, Kitson, and I went to the Pirate Show at the Chicago Field Museum last week. It was SO COOL! They had real pirate treasure. I wasn't allowed to touch the treasure, but I still had fun. As you can see, I thought it a good idea to wear my special pirate hat.

Bath time and a snack

When I get all stinky, mommy gives me a bath. I really like baths.

I am making some real progress on eating. Mommy says if I keep this up I might be able to have some yummy sweet potatoes soon.

Hello, my name is Kitson!

The Glow Stick Incident

What's that famous saying...all's well that ends well? I think that motto applies here. It all started with a super fun birthday party for my friend Rachel. We played a great game of musical chairs and I won the best glow stick magic wand you've ever seen.You should have seen it in the dark. I was very excited to play with it, but mommy told me I needed to be very careful because it was full of "dangerous chemicals." I decided to play with it for a few minutes before I went to bed. I was in my bedroom with all the lights off and having the absolute best time. Then somehow I managed to break the glow stick in half. That wasn't good. I was quickly covered with glow stick goo. I yelled to mommy and daddy that "I had dangerous chemicals all over me." Mommy and daddy came running in and immediately got me in the shower and called 911. Mommy said I looked like I was covered with some sort of nuclear toxic waste. I was glowing from head to toe. I was pretty upset. However, after a few minutes we learned that the glow stick goo was nontoxic and I was going to be just fine. The local firemen still showed up to check me out. That was pretty cool. You should have seen their truck. Again, all's well that ends well.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Who's hungry?

I am! Today I had my first official meal. It was only a little bit of rice cereal, but man it was good. Fisher helped by making me laugh everytime mommy wanted to give me a spoonful. I spilled some, but hey I'm only 5 months old.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Some new outfits.

How about this outfit. Mommy keeps me looking good and cute.