Monday, November 9, 2009

In search of the perfect pumpkin.

Sorry for falling behind in my blogging. It's been such a busy season. I have been doing all sorts of fun stuff this fall. A couple of weeks back I went up to visit both of my grandparents. On Saturday, Grandma and Grandpa Jim & Shari took me to the pumpkin farm. I had to check every single pumpkin to find the best. No average pumpkin would suffice. But after a lot of hard work, I found two of the best pumpkins a guy could ever want. Grandma was a lot of help, she was an expert at checking the stems.
You wouldn't believe how tired a little guy can get trying to pick out the perfect pumpkin!
They also had a corn maze at the pumpkin farm. It was luck I was there because I think grandma would have gotten really lost without me.
When we got back to the house, grandma and I carved the two pumpkins. I was in charge of design. Two pretty scary pumpkins if I do say so myself.

Grandpa had a great idea of using a wagon to haul our pumpkins (and me) around. For the most part things went smoothly.

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