Tuesday, December 23, 2008

I'm back and what an adventure it's been!

Greetings everyone! I'm sorry I've been away for so long. So much has happened that I have been dying to tell you about. First, and most importantly, I moved to Chicago! Did you know that it snows a whole lot in Chicago? As you can see from the picture, I've been taking full advantage of all the snow has to offer. Daddy and I made the snowman in the picture. I called him Snokpot. It was a lot of work and I needed to take a rest afterwards. Sorry, I got off track there for a second; back to my story. Yes, we moved from Little Rock to Chicago. I decided that I wanted to see my Grandpa(s) and Grandma(s) more so I told mommy and daddy that it was a good idea to move. But I never imagined it would be so much work! Daddy had to go early so that he could start his new job, while mommy and I stayed behind trying to sell our old house. It still hasn't sold and daddy keeps complaining about some superprime lender guy. But mommy found a nice young couple to rent our house in Little Rock and we were finally all able to move to our NEW house in Chicago. The new house is great, but I'll tell you all about that in future posts. For now, you should know that I am back with a blogging vengeance. O-yeah, I almost forgot to tell you that I have a sister on the way. Mommy has got her in her stomach for now, but soon enough she'll be here and I've got so much to teach her.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Blogiversary!!!

Can you believe that "Musings of a Fish" is now a whole year old! Daddy and I took some time today to look back over all of my thoughts, pictures, and videos of the last year. I've changed so much. I said goodbye to my crib and highchair. I have learned so many new words. And most importantly, I've learned to use the potty. Life is full of changes and I can't wait for the next wave to hit.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

An Artist at Work

Today I felt like drawing. I filled more than 10 sheets of papers with different drawings.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A day at the park

Daddy and I went across the street today to play on the playground. They recently remodeled it and in the process added a lot of fun equipment. One of my favorite additions is the tire-swing.

I also like to hang from stuff. This one is great. I can hang and swing at the same time.

Maybe I will be a mountain climber when I grow up.

Soccer Time

Here I am playing with my soccer ball. I have just started to become very interested in kicking, throwing, and catching. I really like playing ball with daddy.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trip to Galveston!

We took a quick trip to Galveston Texas last week. It was my first time at the ocean and I can't wait to get back. Here I am dipping my toes in the water and preparing to chase down a few seagulls. Here Mommy and I are getting ready to jump over a big wave.
Mommy and her good friend Kelly relaxing at the beach. What a bunch of hotties!!Jack and I are thinking out how to build the world's best sandcastle.

Daddy and I had a lot of fun at the beach.
Here I am with my good friend Jack and the two daddies. Sometimes I think the daddies are as silly as we are.
This looked like a great spot to dig.
I really enjoyed digging and building castles at the beach.
Jack is my good buddy. We shared a lot of hugs. They started out innocent enough, but usually ended with us flinging each other around and laughing hysterically.
Aren't we a cute family!

Daddy has introduced me to the wonderful game of catch. Who knew it could be so much fun. I find I get so excited that I forget whether I am right or left handed.

It's bedtime...what else would I be doing?

I was a little crazy tonight at bedtime. It's funny how much extra energy I have when I only get a short nap.

Pirate Fisher

Mommy got me a wonderful pirate kit that comes with a full outfit. But my favorite part has to be the gold coins and treasure chest.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

A slow wake up!

Yesterday was a very busy day. Daddy and I went to Jump Zone and I did a lot of jumping. I was so tired that I had trouble waking up from my nap. I ultimately decided to sleep for a few more minutes.

Fun, fun, and more fun!

More Pictures from this past weekend's birthday party.

Party Time!

A friend of mine had her birthday on Saturday at this great party place. We played all sorts of games and had a blast. My favorite part was jumping on this tube.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Remote Control Car!

As most of you know, I have been working my way through potty training. I've pretty much got the potty part down, but...how do I say this...well, the non-peeing side of the equation has been more of a challenge. I get the sense that it has also been difficult for mommy and daddy. Yet, every cloud has its silver lining and yesterday's lining brought me a remote control car. Mommy and daddy offered me one if I managed to poop in the toilet. Piece of cake! Done, done and done! Here is a video of me with my new car. For the record, I did not manage to live up to yesterday's success today.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's 100 degrees out...time to play with my trains.

It is crazy hot out today. Mommy just got home from the store and said it was 103 out. That's too hot to do anything outside. So I decided to play with my Thomas The Train set.

Trip to Memphis

This Wednesday we took a day trip to Memphis. It sure was hot (98 degrees), but we didn't let that dampen our fun. Our first stop was at the Bar B-Que Shop. It has great barbecue, but we were most interested in trying its famous barbecue spaghetti. I know, it sounds terrible, but man it was some good stuff. I also loved their Texas Toast. As you can see from the pictures, eating barbecue in Memphis can be a messy job.

Friday, July 18, 2008

A PB&J Train Sandwich!!!

Have you ever had a train sandwich? They are the best. As most of you know I really like trains. So being able to turn trains into something I eat is just great. I almost lost it the other day at the grocery store when I saw a Thomas the Train birthday cake. That's the ultimate train food.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Movie Time

The other evening daddy and I decided to relax on the couch and watch the movie Ratatouille. I loved it! Mommy said we were two peas in a pod. I didn't understand that one, because I love peas, but daddy doesn't like them one bit.


Jumping in the Pool!

The key to a good pool jump is airtime. As you can see, I got some major hops.
This wasn't quite as graceful, but sure was fun!I call this the Superman Jump!

Anchors away!

Swim Lessons!

My favorite part of swimming lessons is jumping into the pool. I could do it over and over again. The video isn't great, but I'm the one on the right.

Here I am doing a little swimming and bubble blowing. I have a really great swim teacher.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Meatballs to You!!!

I know what it means...do you? I say it all the time and poor mommy and daddy have no clue.

Last Day of School

Thursday was my last day of school at Trinity. I brought presents to all of my teachers. Mommy made some earrings and I made them each a card. They all thought the earrings were beautiful and they wanted to give me a big hug for some reason. I was more interested in taking a drink out of the water fountain. But I will miss Trinity a lot. It was a great school and they did a wonderful job of teaching me all sorts of new stuff. Here are two art projects I worked on this week.

Bon Appétit...no tortilla necessary

I have come to the conclusion that far too many of our culinary decisions in this country involve an excessive use of bread. For instance, when you are craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich what ingredients are really bringing you to the table? The peanut butter and jelly of course! Yet, for some reason we feel the need to complicate these two wonderful ingredients with bread, bread, and more bread. Same thing with a quesadilla, only this time the culprit it a tortilla. That's why I have developed a new technique for eating quesadillas and PB&J sandwiches. You dive right into the good stuff. Now, don't get me wrong, I love bread and buns. In fact, I have been known to eat 3 or 4 hot dog buns as a snack. But I eat them plain...uncle ben style.

The Next Great Political Scientist?

Here is a video of me identifying some of the major politicos of the 2008 presidential race. Daddy was pretty impressed that I could identify a picture of Barack Obama in the newspaper. I did the same thing at Sam's Club a few days ago when I pointed out to daddy that they had a copy of Barack Obama's book on the shelf. You should have seen the look on the face of the woman standing next to us. Dare to hope!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!!

Happy 4th of July everyone. Today we got up early to go to the annual Hillcrest 4th of July parade. It is just a block away from our house and all the kids from the area get dressed up and ride their bikes, strollers, or walk.

As you can see a lot of people show up for the parade. I wore my cool 4th of July sunglasses. I am so patriotic.

This is my friend Allison. She thought I needed a drink of juice.

Leading the parade was this firetruck. It was a little scary, but I sure do love firetrucks.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Car Wash

I noticed that our car was looking a little dirty this morning, so daddy and I decided to give it a wash. I was in charge of the hose.

I've got potty power!

I've decided that it's time to think about moving beyond diapers. I did not come to this decision easily and I must admit I have yet to fully commit to the practice, but it seems like the right thing to do. And as you can see, the one clear benefit is all the great songs you can sing on the potty. I promise to keep you updated on the progress.

If you're happy and you know it...pick your nose!

I am in the midst of some very serious potty training sessions. However, I find that a joke here or there makes the experience a whole lot more fun.

Did a miss a spot?

Mommy got me a toy shaving kit. It's a lot of fun. I'm very careful to make sure that I don't miss a spot.

Is that Uncle Ben?

Here I am looking through some pictures from mommy and daddy's trip out to see Uncle Ben graduate with his Masters Degree. As you can see, I am an expert at identifying everyone in the pictures...particularly Uncle Ben.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Father's Day With Daddy

What a fun day today was! It was Father's Day and daddy and I got to spend the whole day together. We went to the park, played cars, and then went out for a super Father's Day dinner at Olive Garden. It was a great dinner. All the bread sticks I could eat! I probably ate a few too many and didn't have much room left for my pasta. Yet, somehow I managed to find a bit more room a few minutes later when it was time for dessert. I ordered a chocolate sundae and mommy and daddy order something called tiramisu. Funny thing, I ended up really enjoying the tiramisu and worked out a trade with daddy for my sundae. He didn't seem to mind. Who knew that custard and cake could taste so wonderful together. By the way, daddy says given all the nice things I have just said about Olive Garden (free commercial) it seems only fair for them to offer some form of compensation (free appetizer???). He claims my blog readership is skyrocketing and they (Olive Garden) can afford it. All in all, it was a wonderful day. Mommy and daddy also want to wish their Mommy and Daddy's a happy Mother's and Father's day!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Toot-Toot-Chuga-Chuga-Big Red Car

A new favorite song of mine.

Fisher Car Wash

I was trying to wash my trucks in the backyard, when daddy decided to try and give ME a car wash. I was in no mood for it and quickly set things straight.

How about some peanutbutter.

After having finished the watermelon, I was still a little hungry. I thought why not try a little peanut butter. It got messy, but man, that's some good stuff.

Now that's how you eat a watermelon

I know what you are thinking. That is one big piece of watermelon. How could somebody so little eat such a big piece of watermelon? Well obviously you have no idea just how much I love watermelon...but even for me this is a lot of watermelon. It's going to take everything I've got!
They said it couldn't be done. But they have never seen a Fisher go to work on a piece of watermelon. That's one for the history books.