Monday, October 29, 2007

Boo at the Zoo

Hello everyone, it’s daddy here doing a little guest blogging. Fisher believes it is important that from time to time mommy and daddy get on his blog and share our own thoughts about what is transpiring in the life of the Fish. And yesterday was a big day for all of us. We went to Boo at the Zoo. It is a wonderful event organized by the Little Rock Zoo where kids can dress up in their costumes and walk around the zoo (at night) getting candy and going on rides. Fisher had an absolute ball! As the pictures show, he was dressed up as a chicken--cuteness factor was at an all-time high. We spent much of the evening wandering around the zoo getting candy and enjoying the kiddy rides. And I must say that I no longer enjoy the “spinny” rides as much as I used to. I hope that doesn’t worsen with age. However, the highlight of the evening had to be Fisher’s first ride on the merry-go-round. He was so happy. Each time around he would lean off his horse, eagerly wave at me, and yell “bye-bye daddy” at the top of his lungs. The first few times around I tried to take pictures, but after about the 5th “bye-bye daddy” I had to stop and just enjoy the moment. You catch yourself wishing that you could literally stop time and live in that moment for just a little longer. I find that occurring quite frequently these days; wishing that I could somehow bottle a particular look, phrase, or experience so that I could enjoy it again at some point in the future. And somewhat surprisingly, it’s often the insignificant moments that touch you the most. Fisher telling me he prefers cheese on his tofu or when he tells me "slow down are going to choke yourself" while I am eating. What a wonderful ride this has been.

1 comment:

Kelly Aiglon said...

This is really sweet, Bill. I love Fisher's costume. We'll dress P&F up next year. I guess their "costume" this year could be construed as mini barf machines?