Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The kick is GOOD!!

I got a whole bunch of great gifts for Christmas, but some of my favorites were football related. I really love football. Here I am kicking a field goal through my new uprights. I have spent a good chunk of the morning in my basement practicing my kicks.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Out of bed 63 times

I am now sleeping in my big-girl bed. It's very nice and I do like sleeping in it. But this new bed also allows me the privilege of getting up and out of bed whenever I please. The first night mommy and daddy put me down alone in the bed I got up and out of my bed 63 times. They were very kind about it all and would gently put me back in my bed. Here is a video daddy shot of one of my trips downstairs.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

I win!!!

Guess who won the battle of "my bed is full of worms"? That's right! It was a big win for Kitson. After I attempted to frantically climb out of my crib last night, screaming "my bed is full of worms", mommy put my new big-girl bed together for me.
Now this is so much better. Not a worm to be found.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Worms in my bed!!!

I have not been a good sleeper the last two nights. Two nights ago I woke up at 3:00am shouting "there are worms in my bed." I would not go back to sleep and kept mommy and daddy up the rest of the night. Then last night I refused to go to bed in my worm infested bed. Mommy and daddy insisted and I proceeded to scream at the top of my lungs unit they got me out. Mommy says there are no worms in my bed and that it is just the wrinkles in my crib sheet. I don't believe that one bit. Those are worms and something needs to be done about them.

The 2012 Christmas Tree

Last weekend we once again made our annual trip up to Wisconsin to cut down our Christmas tree. It was so much fun. Grandma and Grandpa took us out to the Christmas tree farm. We got to drink hot coco, go on a tractor ride, and most importantly, cut down our Christmas tree. It took a lot of looking to find the right one. Kitson was ready to pick the first tree we saw, but I was determined to find the perfect one. We finally did. Then we strapped it to our car and drove back home. The tree made it and mommy even used some of the extra branches to make a bunch of wreathes.
I made sure that the tree was covered with ornaments. I thought this area was one of my best spots.
In this video, Kitson and I are putting up ornaments. Our job was to put up all the kid-friendly ornaments. Kitson was really excited.
I was in such a festive mood, I broke out some Christmas songs. Mommy was a little concerned that I was putting all my ornaments in one spot. I think that really make the tree pop!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Too Shiny!

It was daddy's job to pick out my socks tonight. But he kept picking out socks that were far too shiny for my tastes. I kept telling him time after that that those socks were "too shiny."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Playing with my toys

I have founds some of Fisher's old toys and absolutely love them. This toy is a construction site, but I prefer to think of it as a place where my family can play. The kids drive to school and then play and go down the slide.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Our New Piano

A few weeks back we got a wonderful piano. It's a Lester piano that was made in 1939. We got it for free from someone who didn't want it any more. The only challenge was getting it into the house. Pianos sure are heavy! Mommy got it all tuned up and I really like it. Here daddy and I are singing along to "The Itsy Bitsy Spider."

Monday, October 31, 2011

Shoot-Out with Grandpa

A few weeks back Grandpa and I had a good-old western shoot out using my new cap guns.
Cowboys ride horses. I'm without a horse, but you get the idea.
You've got to be quick on the draw to get Grandpa.
Grandpa must have picked this trick up when he was in the army. I've never seen it used before.
Time to break out my cowboy hat.
Grandpa will never get me here. This is so much fun.


Greetings everyone. So sorry we've been away for so long. Apparently it took me in a chicken costume to sufficiently motivate daddy to get the blog going again. It's Halloween 2011 and I am a chicken and Fisher is a cowboy. We had the best time trick or treating. How come nobody ever told me about this before. It's fantastic. I would run up to each house and yell "Happy Halloween" and people will give you candy!
Yesterday, we went downtown Naperville and enjoyed the city's Halloween festivities. I was particularly interested in this statue of all these army men. Fisher plays with army men all the time, but they are not this big.
I like this chicken outfit, but it doesn't work well in a carseat.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Fisher can you put my shoe back on?

Fisher is the best. Today, while we were watching cartoons, he helped me put my shoe back on. It fell off again, but that was okay. At that point we were more interested in the cartoon.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Daddy Day at School

Yesterday was daddy day at school. Both Kitson and I got to take daddy to school and do all sorts of fun activities. The theme of the day was "Cars" and all the activities involved either racing, building, or drawing race cars. Here is a picture that all three of us took in a race car. If you look closely, you can see that I am holding a 1st place trophy.
When we first got there, Kitson was a little cranky. She wasn't real interested in cleaning a car or in race car snacks...as you can tell from this picture. But after a few minutes, she cheered up and had a lot of fun.
What really cheered Kitson up was drawing race cars with this dot pen. It makes big dots on the piece of paper. And if you fill in each of the dots you will see a super-cool race car. Kitson really likes colors. I think purple is her favorite, with pink a close second.
At the end of the session, all the kids gathered to sign a couple of songs to their daddies. There wasn't a whole lot of room, so Kitson sat on my lap. We're a good team.
I'm not sure what this kid was up to. He was sure checking Kitson out. Good thing I was there to protect her. That's what big brothers do.
A couple of days before "daddy day" our teaches asked each of us what we loved to do with our daddies. Well, you can read what I said when the teacher asked me. Mommy thought my choice was really funny.
The first exhibit was car cleaning. The teacher sprayed shaving cream all over the car and I used a squeegee to clean it up. Grandpa John would have been proud. Kitson was still a little upset at this point.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Basketball Practice

My new favorite sport is basketball. It's so much fun and great exercise. Mommy signed me up for classes on Thursday nights. Boy is it fun. My good friend Colin plays with me.
You might wonder what I am doing in this picture. It's very simple. I was telling the other kids and our coach about when the Green Bay Packers scored a touchdown during the Super Bowl. This was my touchdown signal. Absolutely true story!!
We use smaller hoop that allows us to slam dunk the ball. Here I am playing a little defense, all the while I hold my own basketball.
Kitson also really enjoyed watching our practice. She kept trying to run out on the court.
Here is a video of our game. There is a lot of action.
In this video I score a basket.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Packers are the Super Bowl Champs!!

What an amazing season! The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl. And can you believe that Kitson and I stayed up for the whole game!! It was a great game, but poor daddy was pretty stressed. The Packers got off to a great start, but then the Steelers made a comeback. At the start of the 4th quarter, it was anyone's game. Aaron Rodgers played a fantastic and the defense stopped the Steelers on their final drive to win the game.
Kitson thought she would give the Packers some good luck by wearing some address stickers on her face. I'm not sure it helped, but it was a good look.
Here is a video right at the end of the game. We were all jumping up and down celebrating. Daddy was calling Uncle Ben on the phone to congratulate him. He said all he could hear where our cheers.

Watching TV by the fire

This morning Kitson and I got up and wanted to watch some cartoons by the fire. Daddy got us all set up and we had the best time. Here Kitson is trying to explain something to me. As you can see from the video below, I don't always understand everything she is trying to say.

I've got this one tooth that just will not come out. I have tried everything, but it just keeps hanging on. I've even tried asking everyone I know if they want to pull on it. Mommy doesn't like it when I do that. Something about germs.
Here is the video I was telling you about. Kitson had something very important to say to me. I'm still not sure what it was, but it sure seemed important to her.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Don't try to take my chap-stick away

I am learning so much. Here I am putting on chap-stick all by myself. Daddy thinks I might be over applying.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Nothing better than a good old screaming match

Fisher and I were having the best time this evening. I was chasing him all around the house trying to hug him.
Fisher is such a good sport and very careful to make sure that I don't get hurt.
Fisher and I also had a screaming contest. I would recommend you turning down the volume.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Blizzard of 2011

Now that is a lot of snow! We were hit with a blizzard last night that dropped a couple of feet of snow on us. I have never seen so much snow. This is what daddy and I saw as we tried to get out of the garage today .
This is a video of me trying to find a way out of the garage into that mountain of snow.
I made it!!!
It took us a couple hours of hard shoveling, but we managed to dig our way out. Everyone pitched in. Everyone was pretty tired when it was all done. Well, except for me. I found my friend Jake and we played "king of the mountain."

Kitson liked the walkway up to the front door. There was so much snow, it felt like a tunnel.
Kitson is the king of the mountain.
This is what our street looks like. I told daddy that they were going to need a super plow to find our street again. They say it may take two days before we can get out.
Now I am tired. Time to go eat some lunch and watch Star Wars.
I think Kitson was also getting tired.
That snow in the street is almost taller than Kitson.
Now, Daddy is king of the mountain.