Sunday, June 8, 2008

Our trip to the grocery store

It all started innocent enough. Daddy and I were taking a trip to the grocery store to pick up some spaghetti sauce for our dinner that night. Because we only needed that one item, we didn’t need to use a shopping cart. Instead, I asked daddy whether I could ride on his shoulders in the store. He said yes and our adventure had begun. We made our way to the spaghetti sauce aisle and as daddy contemplated all the different varieties, I began to eye-up the cans of corn, peas, and green beans behind us. When daddy backed up ever so slightly to allow another customer through the aisle I grabbed a can of corn and tipped it off the shelf. Daddy quickly turned to watch the can of corn fall directly on his toe and then bounce perfectly back onto the self as if it had been carefully placed there by the stocker. It was pretty amazing and daddy wasn’t quite sure how it happened. Daddy told me not to do that again, but I absolutely wanted to see if I could do that again…wouldn’t you? We moved to the other side of the aisle to grab a can of spaghetti sauce. As daddy reached to grab one, I did the same, but instead of grabbing one can, I started tipping multiple cans off the shelf. Daddy clearly wasn’t happy about any of this and started yelling “Stop Fisher!” Buy you must remember that I am still on daddy’s shoulders and thus in a very advantageous position. Daddy was in a tough spot; trying to hold on to me while simultaneously catch falling jars of spaghetti sauce. Daddy did a wonderful job keeping up at first. I think he managed to catch the first 5 jars (and not drop me). But when I tipped the 6th jar off the shelf daddy had run out of places to put them. The jar headed straight for the ground, but instead of bouncing off daddy’s toe, it just smashed on the floor. Daddy was not happy and his shoes and socks were covered with sauce. After he put all the jars back on the shelf, we had a very serious talk about grocery store etiquette. I was afraid daddy was going to cancel our trip to the movie theater, but he didn’t and I learned one heck of a lesson…spaghetti sauce jars don’t bounce.

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