Saturday, May 10, 2008

Speed Mowing

Today was another day of yard work. We want to make the house look nice so that we can sell our house and move to Chicago. I'm very excited by this prospect because I will be closer to my grandparents. So I decided to help out by doing the laundry. I still think the lawnmower is called the laundry mower. Daddy is very proud of how nice the backyard looks. He's always telling me stories of how bad it looked when we first moved here and how there was poison ivy everywhere. I am not sure what poison ivy is, but apparently daddy is not fond of it.

Below is a video of my mowing technique. I call this speed mowing or doing the laundry.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's funny how they get things stuck in their head. peanut calls markers, microwaves. She likes to draw with her microwaves.